Highlights of the General Membership Meeting 3/24

Dear Members,
Below for your convenience are highlights from the General Membership Meeting held on 03/24/2021.
Review of Budget for 2020-2021
Options for buying into medical, dental and vision insurance. See HR for further information.
Fall 2021. President Baston expects that more than 30% of classes will be back on campus for Fall 2021. At this point, there has been no discussion of format for Fall courses. The process for choosing courses with seniority will remain the same.
B Hohlfeld shared information about the New Hire Committee, First Year Experience Committee, First Year Experience Committee, Professional Development Committee, and Transition Committee, as part of an initiative by Dr. Baston to enhance the Employee Experience.
Adjunct faculty were asked to remind students to apply for scholarships, including the 4 scholarships the RCCAFA offers to part time students
B Hohlfeld explained that each person’s calculations regarding the retirement planning are different and HR and Payroll need to be contacted by each interested adjunct faculty member individually
N Rosen presented the Mission, Outcomes, Program Description and Requirements for new Academy of Academic and Professional Development for Adjunct Faculty initiative beginning Fall 2021 for adjuncts interested in a professional development program aimed at enhancing credentials for full time employment in higher education
P Marino described RCCAFA.ORG website access to information including: updates, payroll information, RCC AFA membership, contract and constitution links, board meeting information, etc.
H Schuh shared any issue brought to the attention of the RCC AFA this year have been resolved without official grievance
Board Elections- This year all Board Officer seats for the RCC Adjunct Faculty Association are up and elections will be held this semester. Positions on the election slate are: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and six (8) At-Large Directors. Board meetings are once per month at flexible days and times to be as inclusive as possible. Benefits of serving on the RCC AFA Boards include connection, networking and added opportunity for more getting involved at RCC. Elections will be by secret ballot sent by mail.
Adjunct Representatives for Faculty Senate- There is also a call for adjuncts interested in being a Faculty Senate Adjunct Faculty Representative. Each term is for Two Years. Meetings are every 3rd Wednesday of each month. There will be an increase in Adjunct Faculty representation from 2 to 5. The Faculty Senate is looking for one person from each school. If you are interested, email any current RCC AFA Board member. Benefits of participating in the Faculty Senate include learning and participating in academic governance.